LEMO + Northwire on Medical Cable Assemblies and Superbugs

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August 26, 2016
biocompatic cable
LEMO + Northwire on Medical Cable Assemblies and Superbugs

Industry leadership, LEMO and Northwire manufacturing companies weigh in on how medical cable assemblies, custom cable and connector components impact the fight on superbugs – mutated strains of bacteria that often evade traditional antibiotics.

The medical field is anything but static. As bacteria becomes more resistant and evolves, medical equipment must match that evolution with innovative new components and materials. For decades, silicone was the material of choice in medical devices and hospital equipment due to its ability to be sterilized repeatedly, among other benefits. Today, however, repeated sterilization is not as ideal as it once was with the rise of superbugs. The smallest amount of damage caused by sterilization – especially in the later part of the device’s lifecycle – can allow superbugs and other germs to pass between patients.

Theoretically, single-use device components would provide the “perfect” solution. Unfortunately, the cost and waste situation associated with single-use devices makes it unrealistic for many hospitals and healthcare facilities.

LEMO and Northwire have joined forces to find a better solution that balances safety and innovation with practical measures that can reach a wide audience. In the August Connector+Cable Assembly Supplier issue, the connector and cable experts discuss limited-use medical device components made from a robust silicone alternative. Intentionally designed for limited use, silicone alternatives like BioCompatic provide flexibility, durability, and resistance to sterilization and hospital chemicals that rivals and often surpasses that of silicone. At the same time, BioCompatic removes much of the end-of-life worry associated with silicone-coated medical cable assemblies. Cost-effective and easy for healthcare professionals to use, silicone alternatives like BioCompatic are an excellent answer to superbugs and other industry concerns.

laparoscopic surgery
BioCompatic Whitepaper

Learn more about this medical grade cable...

  • It's biocompatibility with compliance to USP Class VI, ISO 10993-5:2009 and ISO 10993-10:2021, RoHS3 and REACH
  • How it withstands autoclave, sterilization and harsh chemicals
  • How it endures extreme environments with long life
  • Why it's torque-free retractability promotes ergonomic use
  • How it can increase your system reliability, user safety and bottom line
  • Why it's a cost-effective solution to silicon and increases your speed to market

Download Whitepaper

Request a quote for Northwire BioCompatic silicone alternative today!