Thankful for a Dedicated Team During Unprecedented Times

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April 01, 2020

Many communities and corporations are rallying together during these unprecedented times. Companies are retrofitting their manufacturing facilities to produce in-demand items, people are supporting small businesses by shopping local online or ordering take out, liquor companies are making sanitizer, and those stuck at home are sewing masks for the nurses and doctors on the front lines. That’s just to name a few of the examples of people coming together to rally through the quarantine and social distancing. At Northwire, we are thankful for our dedicated team of essential employees who show up every day to produce cable and wire for several essential business applications as well as those working from home offices in order to protect our production employees from unnecessary possible exposure to the virus.

We consider all our team members essential as it takes all departments to take a design from concept to complete custom cable solution per our customer’s specification. We wanted to take a moment to recognize our dedicated team for the work that they do every day, which ends up in products that fall under the critical business umbrella! Custom cable and wire may not be the first thing you think of when considering essential manufacturing, but the cable’s function of providing reliable power, data, signal, etc. is crucial to almost all devices.

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Cable Engineering Consult
Two Engineers consulting
NWI Employees
Image of ventilation equipment

We want our employees to feel valued and safe coming to work because what they manufacture impacts the supply chain of essential business products. Because of them, we can produce custom cable and cable assemblies for a variety of in-demand products including some more obvious critical manufacturing applications:

  • Ventilators
  • Medical Mask Manufacturing
  • ‘Smart’ Surgical Masks
  • Humidifiers and Air Purifying Equipment
  • Ablation Catheters used to Treat Irregular Heart Rhythms
Rugged Enviro Oil and Gas

As well as some not-so-obvious critical manufacturing applications:

  • Construction Equipment
  • Agricultural Equipment
  • Inspection Equipment for Industrial Water and Sewer Pipes
  • Food Production
  • Leak Detection Cable Solutions for Critical Data Centers
  • Cable used to Accurately Measure the Pressure while Material is Pumped out of Oil Wells

There are people being featured in the news and all over the internet for rolling up their sleeves and pitching in however they can. It’s truly inspiring to see various communities come together during times like these. We want to make sure those that are showing up to their 9-5 every day like they always have are also recognized! What they are doing is essential as well and makes a difference to ensure critical manufacturing can continue and essential devices are produced.

Image of 20 employees who have been with the company for 20 years or more

Speaking of dedication, these 20 Northwire team members have been with the company for 20 years or more in 2020! Thank you for your loyalty and hard work not only for the last 2 decades or more, but also for leading by example during this challenging time in history.